Monday, May 14, 2012

Somebody has a case of the Mondays!

It's true that Monday is my least favourite day of the week. Some see it as a fresh start for the week, new beginning and all that crap.

Note: I am not part of those some. 

However, this Monday marked the beginning of my holidays. YAY! An entire week off to catch up on all the things I've neglected over the last couple weeks. Or that would be the case if I could pull my nose out of a book.

I have been reading as though it is fueling my existence. The very air I breathe is made of books - okay maybe not literally, but most definitely figuratively. I crave reading. I forgot just how much I love it. Escaping the daily grind into another time, another place. Pure bliss. Plain. And. Simple.

Since I am a good little reader, I must give credit where credit is due. I have stumbled - quite accidentally - into the realm of Young Adult Fiction. I'm not necessarily a stranger to the YA genre. I devoured the Harry Potter series with a voracity that remains unmatched. I dabbled in the vampire-hype with the Twilight series and even agreed to watch the movies - which BTW - are horrible. Mind you, I will - no doubt - be roped in for the final installment. It still amazes me how the books never seemed quite as corny to me as the movies. But that's a story for another post. Let's get back to that original thought - giving credit.

It was after much coercion from multiple friends, that I agreed to read the Hunger Games. My skepticism was purely based on the fact that EVERYONE loved them. Yes, I am aware that makes no sense, but I am highly suspicious of hype. I often find myself resistant to watch or read anything that is super popular. Again, I know how contradictory that sounds having just professed my undying love for Harry Potter (Is it too late to get my Hogwarts letter? I mean it could still come right? I'm only thirty-three!)

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was just the spark I needed to rekindle my love of reading. Not that it was extinguished per se, but it was in desperate need of some fuel. I whipped through those books like nobody's business. I loved those novels! <Insert lots of Credit here>

Since reading that series I have moved onto a string of awesome novels:

The Name of the Star by Maureen Johnson
Foreign Identity by Becca J. Campbell
Tricked by Kevin Hearne
Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare

I realize those aren't all YA novels, but they are all fabulous so what the hell, listed! I suppose that's all I really needed - a kick start. Now all I have to do is make some time to write, edit, blog, eat, sleep etc.....Nah...I'll just read!

What are YOU reading?


Angela said...

YAY for fun reading! Now that school is out (WOO!) I am finally indulging in some fun reading (read: books published within the last thirty years, instead of 200+ years ago).

I have recently read:

Clockwork Angel

Currently reading:

The Summer Tree
Dearly, Departed

So favorite of these recent reads is Sabriel. Never thought I would go in for a zombie book, though the fact that Nix never calls them "zombies" really helped me immerse in the magic of the Old Kingdom.

Angie Richmond said...

Thanks for the comment Angela! I'll have to check Sabriel out. I've never read anything with zombies either but there is always a first time for everything. Happy reading!

Lillie McFerrin said...

I've read a few books lately that just didn't click with me. So, I'm looking forward to checking out these books! I've read the Hunger Games books, loved them :) Thanks for sharing what your reading with us!!

Angie Richmond said...

I thinks that's what made me fall of the rails in the first place; a string of books that weren't catching my attention. Hope you enjoy these, Lillie!
Happy Reading!

Donna B. McNicol said...

The last YA books I read and loved were the "Of Witches and Warlocks" series by Lacey Weatherford.

I go the first one free, got hooked, immediately bought the next three and impatiently waited for the last in the series. Fun read, definitely made me look at YA books in a different light. It's not Mary Poppins, for sure. ;-)

My other favorite series is Karen Marie Moning "Fever" series. They were so good I wish I had bought them on Kindle (which didn't exist when I did start reading them) so I could read them again. So different from her Highland books which I also read.

karmacoy said...

Totally have to agree with you on the Hunger Games series. I started the Hunger Games during my Screen-Free week and am now about halfway through Mocking Jay. It's funny, when I started reading your post and you said you couln't pull your nose out of a book, I thought "that sounds like me lately, I wonder if The Hunger Games is what Angie has been reading"! Soon I'm going to need something to follow up with so I may just check out you other suggestions... or re-read the Harry Potter series!!

Angie Richmond said...

Thanks for the comment and recommendations Donna! I'll be sure to check those out.

Karmacoy - Isn't it amazing how a book can draw you in? I always stop myself and think, wow someone WROTE this. Amazing! Thanks for the comment and Happy reading to you both!

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